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The Future Foundations team met most recently on Wednesday 10 August. We have provided feedback to the architect on the most recent plans, and will continue working with him and his team over the coming weeks to flesh out the details in the designs.

We will be asking for your opinions! I gave a presentation to the church during the Main Service on Sunday 6th which included details of the first of a series of consultations with the congregation planned over the next few months. This concerns the floor in the main worship area. There are floor samples in church and we are asking for the congregation to indicate colour preference. From this Sunday, sample chairs will also be displayed in church. We are asking for comments on style and comfort only; please do not think about chair colour in your feedback. All the samples come in lots of options.

We are working to a DAC formal submission date at the end of this year. This is when the plans for the church are ‘fixed’ and we seek permission from the diocese. Before that date, the entire design will be shared with the congregation.

Constructive feedback is welcome. You can contact me on or leave a message for the team on the feedback forms located in church.


As most of you know, Nicola Harrison has had to step back from the Future Foundations team. We thank her for her work to date. Going forwards, the team will be chaired by me, Sarah Kostiuk-Smith.

If you don't know me please ask anyone else on the team to point me out and come over to say hi.

The committee plans to include regular updates in the church newsletter and on this website. The revised plans and details of ongoing consultation questions with the congregation will also be shared here in due course as we get the website updated.


Our Vision to build a Sustainable, Flexible and Assessible Church and Church Community Hall.

I will put updates here as often as I can and when we have exciting pictures to show will include those too.

So far we have agreed on the overall design for the church, agreed at PCC in November 2021 after consultations with the Church community and a survey. We have engaged with architects and our first meeting with the design consultants is on 3rd March

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