
Worship is the most important activity of the Christian Community. All the other things we do as Christians spill out from this. You will be very welcome at any of our services. At St Anne’s we aim to provide, over the month, a rich tapestry of worship, from the formal and traditional to relaxed and children/young family orientated.
Our worship feeds deeply from the well of Anglicanism. Central to the Christian life is feeding on Christ, in word and sacrament and then living out the Christ-like life in the world. The rhythm of our worship draws us in to ponder the mystery of God’s love for us in Christ and empowers us to serve him in our daily lives, at home, at work, at play.
As we emerge gradually from Covid restrictions, our services are still limited in various ways, for example in how we share the Peace and in taking communion only in wafers, not in wine.
8.00 am Eucharist- currently on just the first Sunday of each month
A quiet service in traditional language. A chance to place ourselves before the Lord. On the first Sunday of the month we use the Book of Common Prayer.
10.00 am Parish Eucharist.
This is our main adult service, with music, singing and thoughtful preaching. Our choir and organists lead us in a diverse variety of music, traditional and contemporary. Our style of worship is deeply liturgical, drawing on the rich practices of the ancient Church, with vestments, servers, and processions.
On the first Sunday of the month we offer anointing and a ministry of healing within this service.
10.00 am Eucharist
As we reach the middle of the week, we pause before the Lord in a celebration of the Eucharist, reflecting together on the scriptures, singing God's praises and receiving from the altar the very bread of heaven.
St Anne's is a liturgical Church. Our worship draws from the great historic tradition of the Church in the West. Our clergy wear vestments and they are helped, not only by the choir in their singing, but by servers who help with the sacred vessels and minister at the altar. We are always on the look for new for men and women, and youngsters, too, in this ministry. For more information, phone 0161 969 3167.